Rhona Steel

Rhona has worked in health care, education, and most recently, agriculture. In the 90s, she went to work in Europe but missed the Scottish highlands' diverse landscape and proximity to the sea. One of her best decisions was to return to live in the highlands, where Sutherland is her long-term Scottish favorite place, but she loves any place handy to Inverness, where she now lives. She is named Rhona for an ancient island near Skye.

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Highlands and Islands of Scotland

Sep 23 - Oct 1, 2024

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{"Guide":[{"GuideID":877687,"First_Name":"Rhona","Last_Name":"Steel","Guide_Profile":"Rhona has worked in health care, education, and most recently, agriculture. In the 90s, she went to work in Europe but missed the Scottish highlands' diverse landscape and proximity to the sea. One of her best decisions was to return to live in the highlands, where Sutherland is her long-term Scottish favorite place, but she loves any place handy to Inverness, where she now lives. She is named Rhona for an ancient island near Skye. ","Image_Name":"https:\/\/s3.us-west-1.wasabisys.com\/wildernesstravel\/guides\/rhona-steel.jpg","DisplayOnWeb":true,"GuideShortProfile":"Rhona has worked in health care, education, and most recently, agriculture. In the 90s, she went to work in Europe but missed the Scottish highlands' diverse landscape and proximity to the sea. One of her best decisions was to return to live in the highlands, where Sutherland is her long-term Scottish favorite place, but she loves any place handy to Inverness, where she now lives. She is named Rhona for an ancient island near Skye. "}],"CustomFields":[{}],"activities":[{}],"destinations":[{}],"reviews":[{}]}