Europe Trip Leader

Naoise O Muircheartaigh

Born on the Dingle Peninsula and into the distinct Gaelic culture of his ancestors, Naoise O Muircheartaigh (the Gaelic spelling of Moriarty) has been steeped in the culture of Ireland since birth and comes from generations of mountain guides, including his father, Con Moriarty, longtime leader of our Ireland trips. Naoise (pronounced “nee-sha”) has been hiking Ireland's mountains and coasts since he could walk, and his pursuits as a rock and ice climber have led him around the world, from New Zealand to North Africa and the US. He has a deep love of nature and for sharing world's wild landscapes and ancient cultures.

Our Team

Upcoming Trips with Naoise

A Northern Arc Across Ireland

Apr 21 - 30, 2025

Aug 20 - 29, 2025

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Spirit of Ireland

May 3 - 11, 2025

Jul 27 - Aug 4, 2025

Aug 6 - 14, 2025

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Treasures of Ireland’s West Coast

May 18 - 26, 2025

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Client Testimonials

Naoise was knowledgeable, encouraging, supportive, very professional with a friendly and positive spirit. We very much enjoyed hiking with him and our conversations on the trail and at the dinner table. His attention to detail made the trip go very smoothly. He is an excellent guide!

Cindy B.

La Crosse, WI
Hiking in Norway's Fjord Country

Naoise and our Trip Leader Stefano made a great team and worked well together. On hikes they made sure that the whole group was covered, with one at the front and the other at the rear. Naoise managed to load all our bags on and off trains and buses, help us into any specialized gear, and always made sure that we were going in the right direction. A winner!

Daphne B.

Silver Spring, MD
Norway's Fjord Country

Naoise’s family history of guiding really showed: everything he handled was done perfectly. We had many fun conversations—not only about our trip activities, but also about his life and home in Ireland.

Douglas B.

Eugene, OR
Norway's Fjord Country

Naoise was very helpful, considerate, and full of energy and enthusiasm—both of which were contagious.

Electa A.

Toronto, Ontario
Iceland Expedition

Naoise was excellent! Very knowledgeable about the trip, the areas visited, the history, etc. His world knowledge and extensive travel experiences and perspectives were quite impressive.

Kristin S.

Tuckerton, NJ
Norway's Fjord Country

Naoise was an amazing guide! He has a lovely, calm demeanor, a fascinating range of interests and skills, and a depth of knowledge of Irish culture, history, geography, etc. that is unparallelled.

Missy W.

Chagrin Falls, OH
Spirit of Ireland

Naoise was very knowledgeable, communicative, engaging, helpful, and patient, and had a great sense of humor.

Nancy H.

Washington, DC

Naoise was approachable, knowledgable, adapted to the needs of the travellers without compromising the trip, and set a great pace on the hikes.

Stuart B.

Edmonton, Canada
Norway's Fjord Country

Book Your Trip Today

Our Area Specialists know every detail about our adventures around the world. They will be happy to answer any questions and help you choose the journey that’s right for you. Contact us to learn more or book your trip today!

{"Guide":[{"GuideID":851151,"First_Name":"Naoise","Last_Name":"O Muircheartaigh","Guide_Profile":"Born on the Dingle Peninsula and into the distinct Gaelic culture of his ancestors, Naoise O Muircheartaigh (the Gaelic spelling of Moriarty) has been steeped in the culture of Ireland since birth and comes from generations of mountain guides, including his father, Con Moriarty, longtime leader of our Ireland trips. Naoise (pronounced &ldquo;nee-sha&rdquo;) has been hiking Ireland&apos;s mountains and coasts since he could walk, and his pursuits as a rock and ice climber have led him around the world, from New Zealand to North Africa and the US. He has a deep love of nature and for sharing world&apos;s wild landscapes and ancient cultures.","Image_Name":"https:\/\/\/wildernesstravel\/guides\/naoise-o-muircheartaigh-052024.jpg","DisplayOnWeb":true,"GuideShortProfile":"Born on the Dingle Peninsula and into the distinct Gaelic culture of his ancestors, Naoise O Muircheartaigh (the Gaelic spelling of Moriarty) has been steeped in the culture of Ireland since birth and comes from generations of mountain guides, including his father, Con Moriarty, longtime leader of our Ireland trips. Naoise (pronounced &ldquo;nee-sha&rdquo;) has been hiking Ireland&apos;s mountains and coasts since he could walk, and his pursuits as a rock and ice climber have led him around the world, from New Zealand to North Africa and the US. He has a deep love of nature and for sharing world&apos;s wild landscapes and ancient cultures."}],"CustomFields":{"Custom_Leader_Region":"Europe","Custom_Leader_Languages":"","Custom_Leader_Since":"","Custom_Leader_Slug":""},"activities":[{}],"destinations":[{}],"reviews":[{"GuestNames":"Cindy B.","GuestLocation":"La Crosse, WI<br \/>Hiking in Norway's Fjord Country","GuestReview":"Naoise was knowledgeable, encouraging, supportive, very professional with a friendly and positive spirit. We very much enjoyed hiking with him and our conversations on the trail and at the dinner table. His attention to detail made the trip go very smoothly. He is an excellent guide!","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Daphne B.","GuestLocation":"Silver Spring, MD<br \/>Norway's Fjord Country","GuestReview":"Naoise and our Trip Leader Stefano&#160;made a great team and worked well together. On hikes they made sure that the whole group was covered, with one at the front and the other at the rear. Naoise managed to load all our bags on and off trains and buses, help us into any specialized gear, and always made sure that we were going in the right direction. A winner!","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Douglas B.","GuestLocation":"Eugene, OR<br \/>Norway's Fjord Country","GuestReview":"Naoise&#8217;s family history of guiding really showed: everything he handled was done perfectly. We had many fun conversations&#8212;not only about our trip activities, but also about his life and home in Ireland.","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Electa A.","GuestLocation":"Toronto, Ontario<br \/>Iceland Expedition","GuestReview":"Naoise was very helpful, considerate, and full of energy and enthusiasm&#8212;both of which were contagious.","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Kristin S.","GuestLocation":"Tuckerton, NJ<br \/>Norway's Fjord Country","GuestReview":"Naoise was excellent! Very knowledgeable about the trip, the areas visited, the history, etc. His world knowledge and extensive travel experiences and perspectives were quite impressive.","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Missy W.","GuestLocation":"Chagrin Falls, OH<br \/>Spirit of Ireland","GuestReview":"Naoise was an amazing guide! He has a lovely, calm demeanor, a fascinating range of interests and skills, and a depth of knowledge of Irish culture, history, geography, etc. that is unparallelled.","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Nancy H.","GuestLocation":"Washington, DC","GuestReview":"Naoise was very knowledgeable, communicative, engaging, helpful, and patient, and had a great sense of humor.","TripName":""},{"GuestNames":"Stuart B.","GuestLocation":"Edmonton, Canada<br \/>Norway's Fjord Country","GuestReview":"Naoise was approachable, knowledgable, adapted to the needs of the travellers without compromising the trip, and set a great pace on the hikes.","TripName":""}]}